Vehicle Tracking Service Providers Association Of Bangladesh

All BTRC issued VTS License Holder companies under one common umbrella

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To ensure level playing field for all BTRC issued VTS license holder companies and work together in terms of policy advocacy, grey market abolishment and market development together this trade association was formed .


What is in it for the members ?

Grey Market Reporting

There are lot of brands in the market who are selling the same device without having any license from BTRC. They are not giving revenue share to BTRC and is making the field uneven for legal license holders .

Policy Advocacy

From this platform we can work on advocating for policies that can ensure better returns for BTRC & the companies. Also we shall suggest on ensuring smooth documentation process .

Resource Sharing

Through this platform new license holding companies will get to know about various processes related to legal framework from other license holder companies. As well as, we shall work together to raise awareness about the service and explore market .

24 Licensed Companies Together as One.

Leading the telematics industry of Bangladesh for last 15 years.